Processor= 1GHz

RAM= 256MB

Graphics= 64MB


Cheat Codes
On the ''New Game'' Screen enter the appropriate code for the desired effect:
10,000 bullets mode
Hold the LEFT and RIGHT buttons and put this in: Up, left, down, right, X
All Disarms
Hold L+R and press, B, B, X, X, Right
Bang Bang Mode
Hold L+R and press X, Y, B, X, Right
Boomstick Mode
Hold L+R and press Right, X, X, X, B
BulletProof Mode - unlimited armor but not health
Hold L and R then press up,up,up,B,down
Chow Yun Jack Mode
Hold L+R and press, Y, X, Up, Up, Up
Enemies Disarmed
Hold L+R and press Right, B, Left, X, Y
Fight Club
Hold L and R and press B, Left, X, Y
Gimme some sugar, baby mode - unlimited adrenaline
Hold L and R then press left, right, left, X, B
Hard Boiled Mode - raises difficulty level
Hold L+R and press, Y, B, Left, Left, X
Jack off mode - makes jack invisable (but enmies can still see him).
Hold L and R then press Y, Y, Up, up, Y
Lazy Mode
Hold Left and Right and press: Down, Left, Down, Y, Down
Level Select
Hold L+R and press Down, Left, Down, Y, Down
Master Code (All mini-games, unlimited health, unlimited armor, unlimited bullets, all weapon, disarms, etc. will be unlocked)
Hold L + R and press X, Y, B, Up, Right, A, B
One Hit Wonder
Hold L+R Press Down, X, Left, Left, Left
One shot kill mode(stonger punches and kicks)
Hold L and R then press Y, X, X, X, left
Precursor Mode (no cursor)
Hold L+R and press Up, Up, Down, Down, Up
Sharpshooter Mode
Hold L+R Press B, B, B, Down, Right.
Super Cop mode - unlimited health
Hold L and R then press B,Y, Left, up, Right
Time to Pay mode
Hold the left and right buttons and press B,B,X,X,right
Unlimited Ammunition
Hold L+R and press Up, Left, Down, Right
Up close and personal mode - unlimited heatlth for your human shield
Hold L and R then press B,Y,X,Y,B
Woof! mode - Shadow has unlimited stamina
Hold L and R then press X, B, Y, X down
Wussy Mode
Hold L+R and press B, Left, Y, Up, Down
Your skills are extraordinary - punches and kicks will be stronger


Hold L+R, then push X,X,UP,UP,B


  1. Please I need a step by step guide to apply chess for dead to rights. I use an Acer system, windows 8.1

  2. how working ?


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